Business Continuity Planning

Weather any storm with Cloud Based Business Continuity: Once you’ve replaced your Legacy Infrastructure with our worldclass Cloud Infrastructure solutions, we offer Business Continuity Planning solutions that ensure your business remains undisrupted in the midst of chaos.

Our cloud powered Business Continuity Planning and Management solution enables you to access your organisation’s essential data, applications and services in the event of any natural disaster, operational mishap, cyber threat or other unexpected event.

Cloud PRESERVE, our Cloud Based Business Continuity Planning and Management solution, is designed to deliver operational resilience. Using advanced technology, Cloud PRESERVE proactively safeguards your business data, keeping organisations operational while supporting critical business functions.

Our data recovery protocols ensure your continued success. We backup your data and provide 24/7 network accessibility to deliver continuous business operational efficiency, swift response and recovery in the midst of even the most unexpected disruptions and disasters.

Our business continuity planning capabilities include cloud based data backups, disaster recovery and remote work capabilities.

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Your Data Duplicated

Our Cloud PRESERVE solution ensures your organisational data, applications and platforms are securely duplicated and safely stored in remote servers. With 24/7 remote server accessibility, it’ll be business as usual: Your organisation’s executives and employees will be able to run seamless operations in the event of primary server failures and downtime.

Your Disaster Recovery Plan

Leverage Cloud PRESERVE to seamlessly recover your organisational and customer data in the event of a natural disaster, cyber threat or other operational hiccup. Our cloud computing experts will conduct a robust risk assessment to identify potential pitfalls your organisation may encounter along its cloud journey. We’ll then collaborate with you to develop a Cloud Based Business Continuity strategy: We’ll design an intuitive preparedness plan customised to your organisational needs, conduct regular critical data backups and perform rigorous data recovery process tests to foolproof your business continuity for ironclad efficiency.

Shield Your Organisation with Remote Work Capabilities

Our Cloud CORE solution ensures uninterrupted Network Connectivity. Stay connected to your Future proof your organisation: Recent global events underscored the need for remote work capabilities. Invest in Cloud PRESERVE to translate your organisation's operational excellence into continued productivity in a remote setting.

Equip your executives and employees with the cloud based collaboration tools and technologies and secure remote access to company systems to conduct business from anywhere, at any time. Our comprehensive cloud based remote work framework is designed to support your organisation's business continuity on-site or off.

Our Clients

Our collaborative approach to client consultations and strategy development is designed to help navigate you to cloud excellence on your cloud transformation journey. Our cloud expertise helped redefine their Digital Transformation journeys:

This is an example of a client testimonial, that’s randomly distributed across the website.

John White
CEO / Founder
ABC Global Ltd

This is an example of a client testimonial, that’s randomly distributed across the website.

John White
CEO / Founder
ABC Global Ltd

Start Your Cloud Transformation Journey

Case Studies

We’ve helped numerous businesses and organisations achieve cloud-enabled success. Discover how our cloud solutions led to our client’s industry innovations and organisational excellence.


How does cloud business continuity planning differ from traditional approaches?

Cloud business continuity planning leverages the scalability, flexibility and redundancy offered by cloud services. Understanding the differences is crucial for businesses transitioning from traditional continuity methods to cloud-based strategies.

What measures can be taken to ensure data resilience and recovery in the cloud?

Businesses often inquire about the specific steps and technologies available to ensure the resilience and quick recovery of their data in the event of disruptions. This includes strategies for regular data backups, disaster recovery configurations and testing procedures.

How can cloud business continuity planning enhance overall cybersecurity?

With the rising concerns about cyber threats, organisations seek information on how implementing a cloud-based continuity plan can contribute to improved cybersecurity. This involves aspects like encryption, access controls and the integration of security best practices within the overall continuity strategy.

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